
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Global Edition (6th Edition)




Book Description
This book provides a contemporary elementary introduction to linear algebra along with a wide variety of applications that are important. When using traditional texts, the early stages of the course are relatively simple because the material is presented in a setting that is familiar and concrete. However, when abstract concepts are introduced, students frequently run into a brick wall. It takes some time to assimilate certain concepts that are essential to the study of linear algebra (such as linear independence, vector space, and linear transformations), but it is essential that students have a thorough comprehension of these ideas.

The authors Lay, Lay, and McDonald make these ideas more approachable for students by presenting them early on in a context that is already familiar and concrete Rn, developing them gradually, and returning to them throughout the text so that students can understand them even when they are discussed in a more general sense. In addition to new sections, vignettes, and applications, the new material, examples, and online resources that are included in the sixth edition are very exciting.


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